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All drawing in the nModules is done with a brush, and they all share these settings.


Specifies what type of brush this is. !SolidColor, Image, !LinearGradient, or !RadialGradient.

Default Value: *!SolidColor*

!SolidColor Brush

A simple brush that just draw a single color.


The color to draw with.

Type: Color
Default Value: *#FF000000* (opaque black)

Gradient Brushes

Settings shared by both the !RadialGradient and !LinearGradient brush types.


The colors to use along the gradient, as a space-separated list. Note that unlike regular color definitions, the gradientcolors must not contain spaces (for now). So instead of GradientColors "#7FFF SetAlpha(Spin(DWMColor, 180), 128)" You should use GradientColors "#7FFF SetAlpha(Spin(DWMColor,180),128)"

Default: *black*

Sample: "red DWMColor #A00F"


Where along the color changes along the gradient, as a list of values in the range [0, 1].

Default: "0.0"

Sample: "0.0 0.5 1.0"

!LinearGradient Brush

Settings used by the linear gradient brush. These settings essentially let you specify the gradient, as shown on MSDN.


The X coordinate within the drawn object where the gradient starts.

Default Value: *0*


The X coordinate within the drawn object where the gradient ends.

Default Value: *0*


The Y coordinate within the drawn object where the gradient starts.

Default Value: *0*


The Y coordinate within the drawn object where the gradient ends.

Default Value: *0*

!RadialGradient Brush

Settings used by the !RadialGradient brush.


The X coordinate where the gradient is centered at.

Default Value: *0*


The Y coordinate where the gradient is centered at.

Default Value: *0*


The X radius of the gradient.

Default Value: *0*


The Y radius of the gradient.

Default Value: *0*


The X offset of the gradient origin, from the gradient center.

Default Value: *0*


The Y offset of the gradient origin, from the gradient center.

Default Value: *0*

Image Brush

Settings used for the image brush.


This images own alpha channel is multiplies by this value in order to determine the final alpha value. Range [0, 255].

Default Value: *255*


The image to draw with.

Default Value: *""*


How to scale the image. Center, Tile, Fit, Fill, Stretch, or Edges.

Default Value: *Center*


When using the Edges scaling mode, what the image edges are.

Type: OffsetRectangle
Default Value: Left 0 Top 0 Right 0 Bottom 0

Supported since version 0.6


How to tile in the X direction. Mirror, Clamp, or Wrap.

Default Value: *Wrap*


How to tile in the Y direction. Mirror, Clamp, or Wrap.

Default Value: *Wrap*


!Bang windowPrefix !Bang windowPrefix brushOwner !Bang windowPrefix brushPrefix !Bang windowPrefix brushOwner brushPrefix

