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Essentially everything drawn by the nModules is a "Window", and they all share these common settings; though some parents explicitly lock some of these values for their children.


Every window has a "base" state, which uses the same prefix as the window. Depending on what type of window it is, it may have additional states.



True if the window should always be on top of other windows. Only valid for non-child windows.

Default Value: *False*
Type: Boolean


True if mouse clicks should pass through this window and be handled by the parent instead. Currently only valid for windows with a parent.

Default Value: *False*
Type: Boolean


If true, this window will start hidden.

Default Value: *False*
Type: Boolean


You can set this to the name of another window, in order to make this a child of that window. You can use the special keyword nDesk, to make the window a child of the !DesktopBackgroundClass.

Note that the keywords Monitor`*` (where `*` is any number) and !VirtualDesktop have a specific meaning, and should not be used as names.

The !VirtualDesktop and Monitor`*` values are planned settings which are not implemented yet.

Default Value: *!VirtualDesktop*
Type: Window


Set this to true to show this window on the taskbar.

Planned Setting. Not implemented yet.

Default Value: *false*
Type: Boolean


The title to use for this window. This is the title that appears in the taskbar, in the alt-tab dialog, and in the task manager.

Planned Setting. Not implemented yet.

Default Value: *!WindowName*
Type: Text


The text that should be display in the window.

Default Value: *""*
Type: Text


How to anti-alias the text. !ClearType, !GrayScale, or Aliased.

Default Value: *!ClearType*



If true, the distance between this windows bottom edge and the parent windows bottom edge is maintained when the parent is sized. If !AnchorTop is also true, this window will be sized to satisfy this condition.

Planned Setting. Not implemented yet.

Default Value: *false*
Type: Boolean


If true, the distance between this windows left edge and the parent windows left edge is maintained when the parent is sized. If !AnchorRight is also true, this window will be sized to satisfy this condition.

Planned Setting. Not implemented yet.

Default Value: *false*
Type: Boolean


If true, the distance between this windows right edge and the parent windows right edge is maintained when the parent is sized. If !AnchorLeft is also true, this window will be sized to satisfy this condition.

Planned Setting. Not implemented yet.

Default Value: *false*
Type: Boolean


If true, the distance between this windows top edge and the parent windows top edge is maintained when the parent is sized. If !AnchorBottom is also true, this window will be sized to satisfy this condition.

Planned Setting. Not implemented yet.

Default Value: *false*
Type: Boolean


Modifies the meaning of the X and Y coordinates for this window.

|| Value || X || Y || || !TopLeft || Distance from the parents left edge to this windows left edge. || Distance from the parents top edge to this windows top edge. || || !TopRight || Distance from the parents right edge to this windows right edge. || Distance from the parents top edge to this windows top edge. || || !BottomLeft || Distance from the parents left edge to this windows left edge. || Distance from the parents bottom edge to this windows bottom edge. || || !BottomRight || Distance from the parents right edge to this windows right edge. || Distance from the parents bottom edge to this windows bottom edge. ||

Planned Setting. Not implemented yet.

Default Value: *!TopLeft*
Type: Boolean


The X coordinate of this window. For a child window, this is relative to the window's parent.

Default Value: *0*
Type: Integer


The Y coordinate of this window. For a child window, this is relative to the window's parent.

Default Value: *0*
Type: Integer


The width of this window.

Default Value: *100*
Type: Integer


The height of this window.

Default Value: *100*
Type: Integer


Documentation coming soonish...


These bangs can be used with any window that has a name.


!nHide windowPrefix Hides the window.

|| *Parameter* || *Type* || *Description* || || windowPrefix || Window || The name of the window to hide. ||


!nShow windowPrefix Shows the window.

|| *Parameter* || *Type* || *Description* || || windowPrefix || Window || The name of the window to show. ||


!nMove windowPrefix x y [duration] [easing] Moves the window to (x, y) in duration milliseconds.

|| *Parameter* || *Type* || *Description* || || windowPrefix || Window || The name of the window to move. || || x || [Integer] || The x coordinate to move the window to. || || y || [Integer] || The y coordinate to move the window to. || || duration || [Integer] || *Optional* The number of milliseconds the move should take. || || easing || [Easing] || *Optional*. The easing effect to use for the move animation. ||


!nSize windowPrefix width height [duration] [easing] Sizes the window to (width, height).

|| *Parameter* || *Type* || *Description* || || windowPrefix || Window || The name of the window to size. || || width || [Integer] || The new width of the window. || || height || [Integer] || The new height of the window. || || duration || [Integer] || *Optional* The number of milliseconds the sizing should take. || || easing || [Easing] || *Optional*. The easing effect to use for the sizing animation. ||


!nPosition windowPrefix x y width height [duration] [easing] Moves and sizes the window.

|| *Parameter* || *Type* || *Description* || || windowPrefix || Window || The name of the window to position. || || x || [Integer] || The x coordinate to move the window to. || || y || [Integer] || The y coordinate to move the window to. || || width || [Integer] || The new width of the window. || || height || [Integer] || The new height of the window. || || duration || [Integer] || *Optional* The number of milliseconds the positioning should take. || || easing || [Easing] || *Optional*. The easing effect to use for the positioning animation. ||


!nSetAlwaysOnTop windowPrefix alwaysOnTop Modifies the AlwaysOnTop setting.

|| *Parameter* || *Type* || *Description* || || windowPrefix || Window || The name of the window to position. || || alwaysOnTop || Boolean || True to enable AlwaysOnTop. False to disable. ||


!nSetClickThrough windowPrefix clickThrough Modifies the ClickThrough setting.

|| *Parameter* || *Type* || *Description* || || windowPrefix || Window || The name of the window to position. || || clickThrough|| Boolean || True to enable ClickThrough. False to disable. ||


!nSetParent windowPrefix newParent Modifies the Parent setting.

Not implemented yet.

|| *Parameter* || *Type* || *Description* || || windowPrefix || Window || The name of the window to position. || || newParent || Window || The name of the new parent window. ||


!nSetAlwaysOnTop windowPrefix newText Modifies the Text setting.

|| *Parameter* || *Type* || *Description* || || windowPrefix || Window || The name of the window to position. || || newText || [Text] || The new window text. ||